Dear families, Don't forget there will be no school tomorrow in observance of Good Friday. Have a wonderful long weekend!
almost 2 years ago, Waltham Public Schools
Just a reminder - internet assistance is available for any WPS family! Attached is more info.
almost 2 years ago, Waltham Public Schools
Affordable Connectivity Program
Asistencia para el servicio de Internet disponible
We are excited to announce that the library has partnered with the Waltham Boys and Girls Club to offer a new free dinner program at the library! Youth 18 and under can come to the library for a 3PM snack and at 5PM for dinner. This program is open to all youth and will be available Monday-Friday. Come by for a bite!
about 2 years ago, Waltham Public Schools
Dinner at Library
Dinner at Library
Winter Coat Distribution this Saturday!
about 2 years ago, Waltham Public Schools
Winter Coat
Winter coat
I had the honor to "Read Into the New Year" with some 2nd grade friends at Plympton today! Awesome way to end the week and start vacation. Happy holidays!
about 2 years ago, Brian Reagan
2nd Grade at Plympton - 12.23.2022
MacArthur Kindergarten performing at the holiday concert.
about 2 years ago, Brian Reagan
MacArthur K
Dual Language School holiday concert!
about 2 years ago, Brian Reagan
Holiday Concert at DL
Had the pleasure of attending the holiday concert at Whittemore today. Bravo!
about 2 years ago, Brian Reagan
Holiday Concert - Whittemore 12/20
Another successful multicultural night at McDevitt. Amazing food and performances! Thank you McDevitt PTO.
about 2 years ago, Brian Reagan
McDevitt Multicultural Night
Winter concerts continue tonight at McDevitt! Incredible young musicians.
about 2 years ago, Brian Reagan
McDevitt Chorus Concert - 12/14/2022
Full house at Kennedy tonight for the winter concert. Bravo to our 6, 7, and 8th grade musicians.
about 2 years ago, Brian Reagan
Full house for KMS Winter Concert tonight!
The Music Department is pleased to announce the Holiday Concert Schedule for all of our schools in the district. All families are welcome to attend the concerts at their respective schools and celebrate in all the festivities!
about 2 years ago, Waltham Public Schools
Holiday Concert Schedule
Student dismissal times today for the Thanksgiving break are as follows: High School - 10:45 a.m. Middle Schools - 11:15 a.m. Elementary Schools - 11:45 a.m. Have a safe and enjoyable break.
about 2 years ago, Waltham Public Schools
Waltham Food Pantry today!
over 2 years ago, Waltham Public Schools
Pantry today and next week!
Yesterday's power surge has disabled some traffic signals which could cause minor bus and van delays tomorrow. Walkers should exercise extra caution when crossing intersections without working traffic signals.
over 2 years ago, Brian Reagan
COVID Vaccine Clinic at McDevitt on 9/29, from 1:30-5 for all (ages 6 months and up) to receive the Primary series as well as the new Bivalent boosters. Sign up with this link:
over 2 years ago, Waltham Public Schools
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Waltham PS! It's everything Waltham PS, in your pocket. 

You can download the app for free on Google Play or Apple App Store.

 Google Play: Apple App Store: Watch this video to see how you can get notifications sent right to your phone:
over 2 years ago, Waltham Public Schools
over 2 years ago, Waltham Public Schools
Click the link below for a message from the Superintendent of Schools:
over 2 years ago, Brian Reagan
WPS Logo
Check out District Monthly Update here:
over 2 years ago, Waltham Public Schools
aug 2022 monthly update smore