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Student Work Permit Instructions
All students residing in Waltham may submit an electronic copy of their completed MA Employment Permit Application for 14 through 17 Year-Olds to the Parent Information Center at PIC@walthampublicschools.org. A scanned document or a picture of the completed and signed forms are acceptable. The completed application forms may also be brought to the main office of the High School, or dropped in the gray mailbox by the flagpole, located at the main entrance of Waltham High School.
Please note:
Applications for students aged 14 or 15 MUST have a doctor's signature.
Waltham residents who do not attend Waltham Public Schools MUST also provide their Birth Certificate with the completed application.
The student must be present for the permit to be issued.
The employer must sign the permit application PRIOR to Waltham Public Schools issuing the permit.
A NEW permit application is required for each NEW employer.
Please include your contact information in order for the completed permit to be returned to you, or to be notified that your permit is ready to be picked up.
Application forms are available at the Waltham High School Main Office or can be downloaded using the links below.
Once the application is received and reviewed, the student will be contacted when the work permit is available to pick up, along with additional instructions needed to sign their MA Employment Permit. The student must deliver the signed document to their employer. Please note it can take up to 3 working days for the permit to be available once it has been received by the PIC office so please plan accordingly.
Employment Permit Application for 14 through 17 Year-Olds
Employment permit application for SCHOOL YEAR.
Employment Permit Application for 14 through 17 Year-Olds
Employment permit application for SUMMER SEASON.