School Improvement Plan

Plan de Mejoras

School Improvement Plan Goals

Goal 1: Whittemore students will be respectful, responsible, and reflective citizens and will hold themselves and others accountable to high standards.

Goal 2: By the end of School Year 2024-2025, English Learners with WIDA Levels 1-4 will demonstrate high growth, SGP of 60 or above, on the MCAS in both ELA and Math. English Learners at WIDA Levels 1 and 2 will meet their benchmark targets as measured by the WIDA ACCESS assessment. 

Goal 3: We will develop true partnerships between and among all Whittemore stakeholders including, but not limited to families, community partners, staff, and students and create a culture rooted in reciprocal learning in order to improve the educational experience and increase everyone’s desire to contribute positively to their communities and the world. 

Plan de Metas para Mejorar la Escuela