Welcome to the Waltham Dual Language School! Founded in 2016, the Waltham Dual Language School is committed to academic excellence and dual language education of English and Spanish. Research demonstrates that dual language immersion accelerate the development of high levels of academic achievement, bilingualism and cultural competencies among students. Located on Moody Street, we are a comprehensive K – 5 school. Our Dual Language programming follows our students to 6th-8th grade with guaranteed seats at Kennedy Middle School. We will grow to a K-8 school.
● We follow a language instruction model as students progress through their time:
Kindergarten Instruction 80% Spanish 20% English
1st Grade Instruction 70% Spanish 30% English
2nd Grade Instruction 60% Spanish 40% English
3rd-5th Grade Instruction 50% Spanish 50% English
● We share the WPS Math and Science curricula, and our bilingual literacy curriculum (American Reading Company) is project-based, aligned to Common Core State Standards.
● All students receive music, drama, physical education, art and library from Waltham Public Schools Specialists. All students have access to counseling, special education, and related services following a full-inclusion model with Learning Center support.
● All students have access to language acquisition support in Spanish & English.
● Transportation is provided for students who qualify under Waltham Public Schools guidelines.
● Breakfast and lunch is served daily by our cafeteria staff.
● We host before and after school programming through the YMCA. Additional programing is available through the recreation department.
Research on Dual Language programming indicates:
● Dual Language programs foster bilingualism, bi-literacy, enhanced awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity, and high levels of academic achievement through instruction in two languages.
● English learners in dual language programs score significantly higher on state tests as well as
norm-referenced tests than in ESL-only programs.
● English learners in dual language programs master much more of the curriculum, academically and
linguistically, than English learners in ESL-only programs.
● English learners in dual language program master English better
than English learners in ESL-only programs.
● Native English speakers in dual language programs score significantly higher on state tests as well as norm-referenced tests than native English speakers in the English mainstream classroom.
● All dual language students become fully proficient in a second language at no cost to their English development (Collier & Thomas, 2004).